Project 64 Beta 23 Changelog:
Redesigned settings dialog to use more modern vertical pages instead of tabs
Plugins can now be set per rom
Added Soft Reset function (resets only game, like pushing reset button on console, default shortcut F1, old Hard Reset now defaults SHIFT+F1).
When app loses focus in fullscreen make sure it is in window mode, should improve stability on fullscreen error messages.
Max cheats per game raised to 50,000
changed how settings is used globally
new setting: allow user to edit VI Refresh rate (see
changed internal of how settings work
Cleaned up rom browser refresh to remove more unneeded refreshes (Windows returning files in different orders)
re-arranged project source files (please report new errors!)
changed how languages is used globally
optimized writing to ini file
added RDB editor mode and indicator (see hidden settings info)
updated Help menu
updates to video plugin interface for ROM settings
These changes are cumulative since b49 (include all the alpha builds). Does not include minor fixes and regressions between alpha builds.
Note: this build requires updated plugins for the per-rom settings and some other things to work properly, please use all our latest plugins!
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